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Mindfulness in the Garden with Children

A Seed Meditation before Planting

By Jennifer Tacheny

 (Invite child to hold a tiny seed in his/her hand and to move his/her body along      with the meditation.  Begin tucked down like a seed and slowly grow upwards, reaching for the sun)


Imagine that you are a tiny little seed (any seed of your choice, a seed that will become any plant of your choice).  As a seed, you are hidden deep within the frozen winter soil. You have been sleeping beneath blankets of snow and frost for what seems like a very long time! You feel safe and quiet in your cool, dark home.

One day, you notice a wonderful warmth on your back. It feels amazing! Your tiny little seed body feels like it just wants to stretch towards the light and warmth of the sun.

Slowly, you begin to open up. Feel yourself push through the soil and up towards the light. The light and warmth touch your upturned face, making it tingle with energy. A gentle Breeze blows past, bringing to you the sweet smell of grass and rain as it ruffles your plant body.

Stand and stretch up as high as you can, reaching for the Sun.  The sun smiles down at you! Smile back at the sun. What a beautiful, strong plant you have become!


What Plant are you? (Invite child to share what plant he/she is and what it feel like as that plant.)

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