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After the storm


Maya Angelou once said, "I cut the tree and my arms bleeds."

I believed her, but I had not yet experienced the reality---until I met you, Sister Oak. 

Oh, I barely knew you--You were not mine.

I wouldn't even have noticed you at all, except

on one of my walks, I caught you singing.

Some people might call it creaking

but those sounds you made were melodic sounds

created by years and years of wind, rain and sun

beating on your branches.

Still, you stood proud---singing---singing

waving at the clouds.

Now your limbs are silent

lying next to the curb, waiting for disposal

The storm of 98 ripped you from the earth

Your trunk lies stripped on the grassy bed below.

As the chain saw buzzes

I see liquid pour from your belly and I cry.

-"Nancy Gotto"

Did you know that every single molecule of water that you have ever taken in, or will ever take in, has been, and will be some-where else on the planet?
So, go have yourself a drink of water and connect yourself to Earth’s entire history!
-Kathy Berken
Hedgerow , Spring 2016

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